There is no way that we could deny the current revolution that the #ebooks are making to the publishing industry. We also cannot deny the digitalization era that we are living in, and in a final stage of this comment, we are witness on the digitalization in music and image.The digital revolution is here, and we have to embrace it because we cannot fight it, the best thing is to get out the positive issues of it so it can help us in our daily living.

So why fight the #ebooks and the readers/tablets era. I have been reading some things that makes us clear that change, to some humans, make them afraid. Afraid of the unknown, if what it is coming is a good or bad thing, they say “If it works, do not fix it”. But I think that change is good. Change is movement. Movement is evolution. Evolution is growing as human beings. Human beings need to move, if they stay still they die.

Eight years ago my wife and me left Mexico City and went on living to a smaller city that goes by the name Queretaro, it is a beautiful city, with an excellent way of life. We had several business ideas, being one a photo studio, eight years ago, the business with a high entry level investment would live for one year with all the digital photography revolution. So we dicided for other option, we had a store a toy store and we also sold books, picture books mostly.

They were not the best selling product we had, but anyways we had them, we love books. There are times that we think back and talk about our four years in Queretaro and almost always we agree in the same thing, if we had to open a business again it would be a bookstore. But for the past year this evolution, the #ebook evolution has make me think it a lot. Seams that it is not the best business to open.

But the business has to evolve, the publishing industry has to evolve, it cannot stay still because with no movement it will die. Currently I see that it is finding its way to evolve to the best. There is one thing that I believe, printed books will not disappear. They will diminish, yes, disappear not.

Evolution. How a bookstore could evolve. That is a very good question, but not an impossible one. And the leader in #selfpub JA Konrath along with Blake Crouch have posted an excellent idea on how could the Indie bookstores could start its evolution and stop the numbness of the #ebook era. Here the link tho that idea. Also at Konrath’s blog there is a guest post by Scott Sigler, where he talks about a different way of #selfpub that could help the Indie bookstores.

German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk has said in an interview in the cultural suplement, Babelia (yes, sorry it is in spanish), of the Spanish newspaper El Pais, that the “internet is marginalizing the literature”. I think that this is an obvious step on evolution, it happened to music and video. Does anybody remember the cost for the first CD players back on around 1983/1984, they were expensive. But in the long run I think that #ebooks will benefit all readers because with this printed or not, they will be more accessible to all kinds of budgets.

We have to evolve, he have to brainstorm on the best ways to use this revolution for the main purpose of the book. That is that someone has something to entertain himself. The best thing about the #ebooks is that reading is becoming a trend. Reading id Trendy. This is the best thing of all. PEOPLE ARE READING AGAIN. So lets keep this trend alive and help it by having good ideas on how to grow and not on how to stop evolving.