The UNAM is known to be one of the largest university in Latin-America and also one of the largest in the world.

It is the house of the education in Mexico, it is a public school and it is free (almost) subsidized by the Mexican Government and with an extensive program of funds collection.

The students of this institution came from all the social levels. With its free tuition gives opportunity to all of the people in Mexico.

The UNAM has an in-house in-print which is one of the largest in Latin-America, printing more than 1,000 no titles a year. And also it publishes yearly between 1,200 and 1,500 of re-runs.

The categories of the publishing include literature, essays, specialized among others, must which will never see light on a commercial publisher, but are of paramount importance for the university.

To follow the ideology of the UNAM this publishers sell their books at very low prices.

The Literature Direction of the University is in charged of all the literature publishing of the University. They have created diverse anthologies of the most diverse writers through its “Material de Lectura” (reading material) brand. This brand includes two main categories: short story and poetry. The Material de Lectura has been around since 1977, and the current price of this anthology are around the 14 pesos (like 1.20 usd).

Where you could get, print copies of anthologies of great writers world-wide, this is part of the UNAM, part of the reason why there is a place in the University solely dedicated to the print of literature. Reading help the mind, the soul and the body to be human. Reading is the main tool that helps us to regain our humanity, as I have stated in past posts.

One more an exiting thing, if you cannot go to any of the UNAMs bookstores, the Department is so magnificent that they are starting to upload PDFs files of this material, so anybody can go download for free and read whenever you want. Yes you read correctly, it is FREE.

But not only there is the Material de Lectura, the Literature Department also manage three other sites, important and good micro sites regarding literature, which include, “Punto de Partida” which is a print and digital magazine which started almost 40 years ago and is known as “student’s magazine” one of the main objective of this magazine is to show all the new literature creations in spanish language; as a complement to this magazine was created the “Punto en línea” site, where you can find a more broad categories and selection of works; also the Literature Direction has a site solely dedicated to poetry, the “poetry newspaper” where as his director says, that the internet gives poetry the option to give, again, a way to interact with this, sometimes forgotten genre.

If you are interested in the printed material, well you could also buy it though its online store, which you could access here.

Yes I know that it is in spanish, well, remember that you could know someone who speaks the language and could be interested and he/she could translate you the marvelous material you could find here. And to all my spanish speaking friends, this might be new to you, so go to the links provided and use this extraordinary tools that Mexico´s National University give us for FREE.

Enjoy and have fun.